Enjoying the Tom Jerry Edition of the Friday Night Funkin Game.
FNF: The Basement Show is an adaptation drawing inspiration from The well-known creepypasta Tom’s Basement. In The narrative Jerry engages in horrific deeds in The cellar of his family’s residence driven by insanity. Girlfriend and Boyfriend are on the lookout for a new home when they meet Jerry who eagerly offers to give them a tour of his property. The couple discovers Tom’s body As they enter the basement. The determination of Jerry to prevent them from revealing the truth forces Boyfriend to rap for their lives during a week fraught with tension and dread. There are three rap battles set to the tracks House For Sale, Vanishing, and Sirokou, where Boyfriend must remain alert to outsmart Jerry amidst unexpected occurrences that may disrupt the matches. Furthermore there is a fourth bonus Meme Mania available in the Freeplay mode.
The 15 update to Basement Show adds three new tracks to The Freeplay menu along with a bonus fourth song. Invade, Come For Revenge, and Kaboom can now be played by Players. The original version of The song “House For Sale” can be found on The track “HFS Old.” With The arrival of The Basement Show 2.0, players can enjoy even more content that includes two additional weeks, Love is Hopeless and Glitch House, each featuring three songs. New characters come to the lineup offering Boyfriend rhythmically driven challenges. Additionally 12 new songs are now available in The menu Freeplay bringing The total to 24 epic rap battles in The Basement showcase.
Liste des chansons: Kaboom, Soul Chance, Hydrophobia, Vanishing, House for Sale, Unstoppable Block, Blue, Triple Trouble, Mucho Mouse and Cat Chase are examples of Tragical Comedy.