Overview of FNF’s Suicide Game.
BoyFriend finds an unusual opportunity On a haunting Sunday night to compete against Mickey in a vocal battle featuring two original tracks in FNF Vs Suicide Mouse. This modified version of Friday Night Funkin draws inspiration from the infamous Mickey Mouse creepypasta known as Suicide Mouse Unseen Freaky Footage popularized by YouTuber Nec1. Mickey crosses paths After wandering aimlessly in a melancholic state Mickey crosses paths with BoyFriend who suggests a rap battle to lift his spirits. BoyFriend remains steadfast even after the opening track, Unhappy, where the mouse conveys his sadness through song. When you keep up with the beat you’ll have a chance to jam on Happy not the famous Pharrell Williams song but a second more lively song where Mickey shows off his vocal.
Vs Suicide Mouse V2 update brings a new song in The story mode called Really Happy along with The song Smile which players can access in The free play mode. The new features provide an exciting opportunity for players to delve deeper into the musical prowess of BoyFriend and Mickey as they take part in a rap duel aimed at boosting Mickey’s mood while also providing fans with a unique twist.